Es un nuevo día, es mi cumple, ya tengo 22, pero el día de cumplirlos ha sido horroroso y es una pena porque es mi número prefe, como soy amiga de las listas, tengo que ser breve y esquemática hasta para contar mi vida, patético... Haré dos, la de las cosas buenas y las cosas malas:
Cosas buenas de hoy:
It's a new dawn, it's my birthday, now I'm 22, but the birthday, I mean, the day, had been awful and it's a pitty 'cause 22 is my favourite number. As I like lists, I have to be short and schematic even telling my life, so pathetic, I'm going to write two lists, one with the good things today and one with the bad things today.
Good things:
Cosas buenas de hoy:
- Me han dicho tantas veces guapa, sonriente y demás piropos en felicitaciones varias (aunque sean virtuales) que me lo he acabado creyendo un poquito y todo, gracias a todos por hacerme sentir una bonita humana.
- Mi familia, aunque estén lejísimos me han hecho sentir un poco mejor, como que me apoyan aunque no pueda hacer nada más ni dar nada más de mí.
- El día está asquerosamente lluvioso.
- Mis pies están helados.
- No he comido ni una chocolatinita para alegrarme porque al final todo ha sido una gran caca y solo quería venirme a mi casa-trinchera a comer pan con mantequilla.
- He ido a clase y a en cuanto me aburra de internet mi tarde se plantea de estudio y lecturas.
- No puedo irme de fiesta porque mañana tengo que ir a un museo en Mordor a hacer un ensayo corriendo porque lo entrego a la una, ojalá tener ese aparato mágico que tenía Hermione para megatrasladarme.
- He estado a punto de tener una crisis nerviosa, por causas diversas como el estrés del papelo + clases + profesores cabrones que dan por hecho que sabes todo y que sabes ir a todas partes y oye no, estoy haciendo cursos donde aceptan a erasmus así que deberían tener eso en cuenta.
- Me han mandado un correo aclarando ciertas dudas, el porqué no tengo ni ganas de explicarlo pero la conclusión es: vuelvo a España en febrero y no en junio y el segundo cuatrimestre se plantea cargadito de créditos.
It's a new dawn, it's my birthday, now I'm 22, but the birthday, I mean, the day, had been awful and it's a pitty 'cause 22 is my favourite number. As I like lists, I have to be short and schematic even telling my life, so pathetic, I'm going to write two lists, one with the good things today and one with the bad things today.
Good things:
- I was said to be beatiful, smiling and all that (although those words were virtual) so many times that now I'm starting to believe it, thank you everybody to make me feel a beautiful human being.
- My family, although they are far far away made me feel a little better, it's like they support me even when I can't give or do anymore.
- The day is a fucking rainy day.
- My feet are sooo freezen.
- I haven't eaten even a small piece of chocolate to make me feel happier 'cause at the end everything was a big shit and I just wanted to come back to my house-war trench and eat bread with butter.
- The only I've done today is going to my lessons and as soon as I get bored of the internet, my plan is do the reading and other study stuff.
- I can't go out 'cause tomorrow I have to go to a museum in Mordor to do a fast essay that I have to give the teacher at 1 p.m., I wish I had that Hermione's magic machine to be everywhere at the same time.
- I almost had a breakdown for several reasons like stress of burocratics + classes + fucking teachers that think that you know everything in this country, and NO, I'm taking courses where they accept Erasmus so they should know that we don't know everything.
- They sent me an e-mail clarifying some doubts, I don't feel like explaining all of it but the fact is that I'm going back to Spain in February instead of June and next semester seems to be full of credits.
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